- myocardial infarction;
- stroke;
- acute heart failure;
- Hypertensive crisis.
causes of high blood pressure
- Overweight: For every kilogram of weight gain, blood pressure will increase by 2 mm Hg;
- Sedentary lifestyle;
- Eat canned foods, bacon, fatty foods, sharp cheese;
- Excessive use of salt in cooking;
- often under stress;
- Smoking – The harmful substances contained in cigarettes can cause mechanical damage to the arterial walls;
- Busy work schedule;
- alcohol consumption;
- Men are too tall or too short;
- physical and nervous fatigue;
- Consumption of animal protein, unrestricted.
Symptoms of high blood pressure
- Headache;
- Fast or weak heartbeat;
- Dizziness;
- Swelling of the eyelids, legs, and arms, and puffiness of the face;
- memory impairment;
- numbness in fingers;
- facial redness;
- Chills;
- increased sweating;
- anxiety;
- internal tension;
- performance degradation;
- irritable;
- "Midge" appeared in front of me.
- 16-20 years old - pressure 100/70 – 120/80;
- The norm for those under forty is 120/70 – 130/80;
- From forty to sixty – up to 135/85;
- Sixty years later, normal blood pressure was considered to be 140/90.
- Stage 1 hypertension is a type of mild hypertension characterized by a pressure of 140/90 to 159/99 mmHg.
- Grade II Hypertension – Moderate hypertension with pressure rising to 79/109 mm Hg. Art. Sometimes doctors diagnose "hypertension stage 2 risk 2, " which means one or two risk factors are present and there is a likelihood of complications.
- Third degree hypertension is characterized by a severe condition with blood pressure rising to 180/110 mm Hg. Art. Even higher. If after examination, the doctor diagnoses "hypertension, stage 3, risk 4", then you need to start treatment immediately and go to the hospital for help. In this case, the likelihood of complications increases to 30%.
- Brain – DEP, dementia, stroke, memory loss;
- Kidneys - development of chronic renal failure;
- Heart - heart failure, heart attack, coronary heart disease death;
- vessel;
- Eye.
- Stage 1 - The function of the cardiovascular system is not impaired and patients usually do not complain about their condition.
- Stage 2 - The left ventricle enlarges and blood pressure increases. Focal narrowing of retinal blood vessels may be observed.
- Stage III - signs of organ damage appear: chronic renal failure, angina pectoris, hypertensive encephalopathy, diseases that the ophthalmologist can detect when examining the fundus of the eye (swelling of the optic nerve, bleeding), aortic aneurysm.
- Diastolic blood pressure – lower pressure increase;
- Systole - only the upper index increases;
- Systolic-diastolic blood pressure;
- Unstable form - In this condition, the pressure rises briefly and returns to normal without the need for special medications.
- clinical examination;
- record medical records;
- Measure weight and waist circumference;
- Measure blood pressure in both arms;
- ECG and FCG;
- Fundus examination.
Treatment of high blood pressure
- nausea;
- Dizziness;
- Headache;
- numbness in fingers and toes;
- fatigue;
- Palpitations.
- diuretics and calcium antagonists;
- Beta blockers and diuretics;
- ACE inhibitors and calcium antagonists;
- ACE inhibitor diuretics.
- physiotherapy;
- dietary nutrition;
- Medicated bath;
- Hardware physiotherapy;
- Phytotherapy;
- Aromatherapy;
- oxygen cocktail;
- Medication Treatment Course.
- Red clover soup. Brew this plant in the same way as regular tea and drink half a cup in the evening. It is recommended to use only fresh decoction, but you can store the medicine in the refrigerator for up to three days.
- Honey and garlic. You need to take half a cup of honey, crush five cloves of garlic and grate one lemon along with the peel. Mix everything well and leave it in a dark place for a week, then store the composition in an airtight jar in the refrigerator (you can wrap it with cloth or foil). Take one teaspoon three times daily.
- vegetable juice. Mix one cup of carrot, black radish and beet juice with one cup of honey and the juice of one lemon. Take one tablespoon three times daily before meals. Course duration is one and a half months.
- Rosehip infusion can be consumed without restriction.
- seed. Add washed, unpeeled sunflower seeds to the pot. Pour in one and a half liters of cold water and simmer for about two hours. The broth must be strained and then consumed in cups throughout the day.
- Golden beard. Chop the dark purple knees and pour 0. 5 liters of vodka. Leave in a dark place for twelve days, shaking the contents gently every three days. Take a spoonful with dessert half an hour before meals.
- Lemon: Mix 1 cup white onion juice with 1 cup honey and add 50 grams of pre-crushed lemon zest. Seal the container in which the infusion is kept and place it in a dark place. Take one teaspoon of the infusion two to three hours after a meal. Or mix a tablespoon of grated lemon with chopped cranberries in a 1: 1 ratio and add half a tablespoon of fresh rose hips (can be ground through a meat grinder). Add the mixture to a cup of honey and take a tablespoon in the morning and evening.
- Honey. Mix five hundred grams of May honey with half a liter of vodka and heat until foamy. In this case, the mixture must be constantly stirred. Let it brew. For the second composition, you need to brew a small amount of the following herbs in a liter of water: chamomile, turmeric, valerian, knotweed, motherwort. Let the broth boil, then strain and combine with the first mixture. Leave the tincture in a dark place for three days. During the first week, take one teaspoon of the composition twice a day, and during the second week, take one tablespoon until the decoction is used up. Treatment with this method is long-term, with intervals of 7-10 days.
high blood pressure diet
- Reduce salt intake. Because sodium retains water in the body, it increases circulating blood volume, which affects blood pressure. The amount of salt is approximately 4 grams. Ideally, no additional salt should be added to food during cooking.
- To normalize metabolism, you need to drink a sufficient amount of fluid, approximately 1. 5 liters per day. It is necessary to give priority to clean water, rosehip soup and "healthy" soups.
- Eliminate coffee, strong tea and alcohol from your diet.
- Eat in portions. It is important to distribute your diet in such a way that you eat evenly distributed foods five to eight times a day.
- Reduce your intake of meat and animal fats. Patients are advised to choose lean meats - turkey, veal, chicken, rabbit. It's best to cook without oil; if the meat seems bland, add herbs and lemon juice instead of salt. You should keep bacon, sausage, and butter in your diet as little as possible.
- It is important to increase the intake of vegetables and foods rich in potassium and magnesium: cereals, beets, carrots, dried apricots, cabbage.
- It is recommended to avoid confectionery products with high sugar content; prefer dried fruits, honey and whole grain products.
- Patients with high blood pressure should not fast. Strict fasting and dieting are taboo.
- steady progress;
- severe heart failure;
- Severe organ dysfunction;
- Patients are unable to care for themselves and have limited movement and communication.
Prevent high blood pressure
- maintain a normal weight;
- Limit the use of salt;
- Eliminate bad habits – smoking, alcohol abuse;
- Try to avoid physical and mental stress;
- Prevent physical inactivity;
- Treat chronic disease.